Summer vacation in the Black Forest

The summer vacation in the Black Forest worth living and loving

A well-known folk song here in the Black Forest begins with the words: “Oh Black Forest, oh home, how you are so beautiful…”. But there it is not only what makes the Black Forest so livable and lovable. There is so much to see and experience here – especially in summer: Whether sports, nature, culture or tradition… You need several vacations for that. Or really tightly timed time management. But who wants that on vacation?

The Black Forest is so beautiful and so diverse, full of history and stories, a paradise for explorers.

For example, if you want to immerse yourself in the Black Forest lifestyle, the Vogtsbauernhöfe in Gutach are the first place to go. The open-air museum at the northeastern tip of the Ortenau region shows old farms and houses from very different corners of the Black Forest. All united on about seven hectares. Here you can relive how people lived and worked in the Black Forest. A look at the “Rauchkuchi” or the “Backhislii” bear witness to the food culture of the Black Forest. On selected days, the Gutach countrywomen are also on hand to spoil guests with typical Black Forest specialties such as Datschkuche – a small dough pancake topped with sour cream and apples, or savory with sour cream and Black Forest ham. The Vogtsbauernhöfe offer history you can touch: with workshops, guided tours and also some animals, such as the Vorderwald cattle, a cold-blooded breed called the Black Forest Fox and the local “lawnmowers” – the Black Forest goats. The beauty: In the Vogtsbauernhöfe, history comes alive and – in the true sense of the word – becomes tangible. Who would like to dive in advance: www.vogtsbauernhöfe .de

Waterfalls, rivers, streams and nymphs

Only a few kilometers further – in Triberg – it gets wonderfully fresh. Here there are the largest waterfalls in Germany. And a visit to the truly impressive masses of water that tumble down here is always worthwhile. The Gutach river rushes and pelts its way down the valley for more than 160 meters. By the way, a trip to the local museum of traditional costumes is also worthwhile. Here you can see, among other things, the legendary Bollenhut, although this is actually only found in the Wolf and Gutachtal valleys. But because of its beauty, it has become the trademark of the Black Forest. The exhibition – located not far from the waterfalls – is a real treasure chest as far as Black Forest costume is concerned.

Not far from Triberg – on the B33 in the direction of Hornberg – is the Eble Clock Park. And here it is – the largest cuckoo clock in the world: it measures 4.5 meters by 4.5 meters and the cuckoo alone weighs 150 kilograms. The pendulum movement weighs in at an impressive six tons. Information for an interesting Triberg tour can be found here: and

Half-timbered romanticism in the Kinzig valley

Always worth a detour is the enchanting Kinzig Valley in the Ortenau region with its charming half-timbered towns. The A5 is a faster route to pleasure, but if you want a really idyllic experience, you’re much better off on the old hiking routes, which are now state, national and federal roads. From Baden-Baden – and this is our personal tip – take the B 500 through the forests of the Black Forest with its unforgettable views through the Wolftal valley to Wolfach. The small town impresses with its burgher and half-timbered houses and, of course, with its glassblowing culture in the Dorotheenhütte. Here you can get a very good impression of the glassblowing art of the Black Forest. In Wolfach – as in Schiltach, which is only a few kilometers away – the rafters were at home: the rafter museum there tells a lot about the history of this honorable but hard craft. The old imperial town of Gengenbach with its city gates, towers and half-timbered houses is also well worth a visit. Who would like to get first impressions:; and

Not far from Triberg – on the B33 in the direction of Hornberg – is the Eble Clock Park. And here it is – the largest cuckoo clock in the world: it measures 4.5 meters by 4.5 meters and the cuckoo alone weighs 150 kilograms. The pendulum movement weighs in at an impressive six tons. Information for an interesting Triberg tour can be found here: and

Always worth a detour is the enchanting Kinzig Valley in the Ortenau region with its charming half-timbered towns. The A5 is a faster route to pleasure, but if you want a really idyllic experience, you’re much better off on the old hiking routes, which are now state, national and federal roads. From Baden-Baden – and this is our personal tip – take the B 500 through the forests of the Black Forest with its unforgettable views through the Wolftal valley to Wolfach. The small town impresses with its burgher and half-timbered houses and, of course, with its glassblowing culture in the Dorotheenhütte. Here you can get a very good impression of the glassblowing art of the Black Forest. In Wolfach – as in Schiltach, which is only a few kilometers away – the rafters were at home: the rafter museum there tells a lot about the history of this honorable but hard craft. The old imperial town of Gengenbach with its city gates, towers and half-timbered houses is also well worth a visit. Who would like to get first impressions:; and

Very close to Gengenbach there is a very special place – legendary and romantic: the All Saints Monastery Ruins. The former Premonstratensian monastery is picturesquely situated in the Lierbach valley not far from the famous waterfalls. And if you like it a bit mystical, you might want to take a short tour along the Sagenrundweg. Who would like to have a first impression:

And here’s another tip for true nostalgics: a train ride on one of the Black Forest museum railroads. The Kandertalbahn – also affectionately known as the “Chanderl’i” – takes you on a 45-minute twitch through the enchanting landscape between Haltingen and Kandern in the southern Black Forest. Of course, in true style with steam locomotive and historic wagons. Info at Steam train romance combined with culinary delights can be found on the Three Lakes Railway, which runs between Seebrugg and Feldberg-Bärental. Here you can find 21. and 22. August not only to experience the pretty historical little train, but also a Baden four-course meal. Info and tickets at:

If you are looking for even more selected discovery experiences, we can advise you. We have put together exciting things for the summer vacation in the Black Forest and event packages: For hikes, tours or trips “virtually on the doorstep” our limousine service is included. So just relax and drive to the experience of your choice and then it’s: discover, experience and enjoy! Because we take care of that, too. After all, we wouldn’t be Badeners if we didn’t also pay attention to the physical well-being of our guests…

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